Surveying Services, Inc.
Jackson, Tennessee
Camden (provided contractor with horizontal and vertical controls for construction; used photogrammetric control and GPS)
Decatur County (provided contractor with horizontal and vertical controls for construction)
Madison County (provided contractor with horizontal and vertical controls for construction)
Brownsville Utility Department (provided horizontal and vertical controls for utility expansion)
Jackson Utility Department (provided horizontal and vertical controls for utility expansion; performed numerous utility locations and surveys)
Martin Utility Department (provided horizontal and vertical controls for utility expansion, using GPS)
Mega Site - Haywood County, Tennessee (Route Surveys & Topographic Surveys)
JEA/ANR Gas Pipe Line - Crockett County/Madison County - Gadsden, TN to Oakfield, TN (Route Survey)
Other Notable Projects
Carroll County Watershed Lake Site (Photogrammetric Control and GPS)
The Pictsweet Company - Bells, TN (Numerous boundary and topographical surveys, including large acreage and GPS surveys)
Tyson Foods - Humboldt, TN (Construction Site Control Surveys, Site Engineering, GPS Surveys)